Wiltshire Golf
Scratch Knock Out 2017 |
Round | Round 1 | Quarter Final | Semi Final to be played on Neutral Course | Final Bowood | Winning Club |
Play By | 4th June 2017 | 16th July 2017 | 16th September 2017 | Sunday 1st Ocober |
| *Marlborough | * Kingsdown
| Kingsdown
| Kingsdown | High Post
| Kingsdown |
| *Cumberwell Park | Cumberwell Park |
| Tidworth |
| * North Wilts | North Wilts |
| Upavon |
| *Salisbury & SW | Chippenham | High Post |
| Chippenham |
| *Highpost |
*Highpost | Highpost
| Wrag Barn |
| *Ogbourne Downs | Ogbourne Downs |
| Rushmore |
*Donates HOME draw
Winners, please advise your results as soon as possible after you have played your match, to the
Competition Secretary Lynn Thornton, e-mail lynn.a.thornton@googlemail.com or telephone 01380 828669 01380 828669