
Wiltshire Golf

Welcome to Wiltshire Golf Mens Seniors Scratch Team Page.

Here you can see results and fixtures of all Mens Seniors matches.


MEn's senior scratch TEAM

The Wiltshire Golf Men's Seniors Team (age 55 years and over) playing scratch golf in the Channel League in competition with Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Gloucestershire, Gwent and Glamorgan. One match against each County each year alternating home and away. These matches consist of 9 hole foursomes scratch matchplay in the morning and 18 hole singles scratch matchplay in the afternoon.

The Seniors team are continually pushing the bigger Counties to the max, especially over recent seasons; winning in 2022 and are hopeful of continuing and indeed exceeding our successest with winning the league again over the coming seasons.

The matches are highly competitive, and the golf played is generally of a high standard and we are continually on the lookout for new low handicap players. If you are aged 54 or over and interested in playing, then I’d encourage you to join your club's Seniors Scratch Team which plays in a league from Sept - April annually, as a good introduction to competitive scratch golf. Alternatively, contact Team Captain, Dave Barbour (Tidworth Garrison GC) or Scott Talbert, County Secretary:

Or, if you know anyone who is currently in the Men's County Seniors squad, then they will be delighted to answer any questions.



Date Match
6th April Glamorgan - AWAY
22nd May HOME - Dorset
27th June HOME - Somerset
7th July HOME - Gwent
28th July Gloucestershire - AWAY
18th August HOME - Cornwall
15th September Devon - AWAY


Date Match Result

Channel League Table
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