
Wiltshire Golf

Girls Golf Dates 2016

Sun 19th JunMatch V HampshireSherfield Oaks GCSelected Elite Squad
"‹Sun 26th JunSkills DayHigh PostALL Girls
Sat 2nd JulyElite Squad CoachingCumberwell10am to 4pm
Sun 3rd JulyDevelopment Squad CoachingCumberwell10am to 1pm
Sun 3rd JulyPerformance Squad CoachingCumberwell2pm to 5pm
Sun 10th JulyPre handicap dayTidworthALL GIRS PRE HANDICAP
Sun 17th JulyPractice RoundCumberwellInvited Elite & Performance squad
Sun 24th JulySW ChampsSt Enedoc

County Fun Day Cumberwell
Thur 4th AugMatch V LadiesSouth Cerney GCInvited Performance squad
6,7,8 & 9th AugSW Inter CountiesCumberwellSelected Team
Tues 23rd AugGirls ChampsSalisbury &SWGirls with a Handicap
Tues 23rd AugGirls Champs FuturesSalisbury &SWGirls without a Handicap
Tues 23rd AugWJL Finals DayWrag Barn
Sat 3rd SeptElite & Performance CompCumberwellAll Elite & Performance
Sun 4th SeptMatch V GlosThe WiltshireSelected Team
Sun 25th Sept9 county CompArlesfordSelected Team
Tue 25th OctBowmakerWrag Barn

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